Understanding the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis

Overview of Plastic Pollution and the Role of the Global Plastics Treaty

Plastic pollution is one of the biggest challenges our world faces today. It affects our oceans, rivers, land, and even the air we breathe. Every year, millions of tons of plastic waste end up in the environment, creating serious problems for both people and nature. Let’s dive into the key facts about plastic pollution and the steps being taken to address it through the Global Plastics Treaty.

What is Plastic Pollution?

Plastic pollution happens when plastic waste escapes from managed systems like landfills and enters the environment. When this waste is no longer controlled, it becomes a major threat to ecosystems. Plastic pollution can be broken down into two types:

  • Macroplastics: These are larger pieces of plastic (greater than 5mm) like bottles, bags, and other visible plastic items.

  • Microplastics: Tiny plastic particles (smaller than 5mm) that often come from the breakdown of larger plastics.

How Much Plastic Waste is There?

In 2020, around 52.1 million metric tons of macroplastic waste entered the unmanaged environment. This is about 21% of all the plastic waste produced by cities and towns, also known as municipal plastic waste. Municipal plastic waste comes from homes, businesses, schools, and public spaces, according to a global emissions inventory study published in Nature​ (s41586-024-07758-6).

What is the Unmanaged Environment?

The “unmanaged environment” is any place where plastic waste is no longer being controlled. This includes uncollected waste, litter, and open dumping sites. Once plastic enters this environment, it can move freely and cause harm to wildlife, ecosystems, and even human health.

Why Does Open Burning Happen?

In many parts of the world, especially in developing countries, formal waste collection services are either unavailable or not sufficient. As a result, people resort to open burning of plastic waste as a way to get rid of it. Open burning is harmful because it releases dangerous chemicals into the air and contributes significantly to pollution.

Global North vs. Global South: Who’s Responsible?

When we talk about plastic pollution, the world is often divided into the Global North and the Global South:

  • The Global North includes wealthier, high-income countries like the United States, Western Europe, and Japan. These countries have better waste management systems and tend to have less uncollected waste.

  • The Global South includes developing countries in regions like Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. These countries struggle with waste collection, and uncollected plastic waste is a major source of pollution.

Plastic Pollution Hotspots

Certain regions are considered plastic pollution hotspots due to their high levels of unmanaged plastic waste:

  • Southern Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia have the highest levels of plastic pollution.

  • India is the largest global emitter, contributing nearly one-fifth of all plastic waste emissions, followed by countries like Nigeria and Indonesia.

  • In contrast, the Global North has lower levels of pollution because of better waste management practices, though littering is still a problem.

What is the Global Plastics Treaty?

The Global Plastics Treaty is a global agreement being negotiated under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to tackle plastic pollution. The treaty aims to reduce plastic waste, improve recycling, and promote better waste management worldwide. This treaty brings together representatives from governments, industries, scientists, and environmental groups to find solutions.

Negotiations began in 2023. The next Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) meeting for the Global Plastics Treaty is scheduled for November 25–December 1, 2024 in Busan, South Korea. This meeting is called INC-5 and is expected to finalize the text of the treaty.

Why Does This Matter?

Plastic pollution has lasting effects on the environment and human health. Once plastic waste enters the environment, it can break down into microplastics, which are even harder to clean up. Without immediate action, plastic waste will continue to harm ecosystems, wildlife, and people.

Call to Action

Plastic pollution is a global issue that needs urgent attention. While some countries have made progress in managing their plastic waste, others face major challenges. The Global Plastics Treaty offers hope for coordinated global action to reduce plastic pollution and protect our planet for future generations. Tackling uncollected waste and improving waste management systems, especially in developing countries, will be key steps toward solving this crisis.

By understanding the sources and impacts of plastic pollution, we can all play a part in making our world a cleaner, healthier place.

What is wishcycling? Two waste experts explain

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

By Jessica Heiges and Kate O’Neill, The Conversation (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

Wishcycling is putting something in the recycling bin and hoping it will be recycled, even if there is little evidence to confirm this assumption.

Hope is central to wishcycling. People may not be sure the system works, but they choose to believe that if they recycle an object, it will become a new product rather than being buried in a landfill, burned or dumped.

The U.S. recycling industry was launched in the 1970s in response to public concern over litter and waste. The growth of recycling and collection programs changed consumers’ view of waste: It didn’t seem entirely bad if it could lead to the creation of new products via recycling.

Pro-recycling messaging from governments, corporations and environmentalists promoted and reinforced recycling behavior. This was especially true for plastics that had resin identification codes inside a triangle of “chasing arrows,” indicating that the item was recyclable – even though that was usually far from the truth. In fact, only resins #1 (polyethylene terephthalate, or PET) and #2 (high-density polyethylene, or HDPE) are relatively easy to recycle and have viable markets. The others are hard to recycle, so some jurisdictions don’t even collect them.

The SPI resin identification coding system is a set of symbols placed on plastics to identify the polymer type. Bonus Unicode & Green Dot Symbol. SourceL Open Clipart Library.
The SPI resin identification coding system is a set of symbols placed on plastics to identify the polymer type. Bonus Unicode & Green Dot Symbol. Source: Open Clipart Library.

Wishcycling entered public consciousness in 2018 when China launched Operation National Sword, a sweeping set of restrictions on imports of most waste materials from abroad. Over the preceding 20 years, China had purchased millions of tons of scrap metal, paper and plastic from wealthy nations for recycling, giving those countries an easy and cheap option for managing waste materials.

The China scrap restrictions created enormous waste backups in the U.S., where governments had under-invested in recycling systems. Consumers saw that recycling was not as reliable or environmentally friendly as previously believed.

An unlikely coalition of actors in the recycling sector coined the term “wishcycling” in an effort to educate the public about effective recycling. As they emphasize, wishcycling can be harmful.

Contaminating the waste stream with material that is not actually recyclable makes the sorting process more costly because it requires extra labor. Wishcycling also damages sorting systems and equipment and depresses an already fragile trading market.

Huge waste management companies and small cities and towns have launched educational campaigns on this issue. Their mantra is “When in doubt, throw it out.” In other words, only place material that truly can be recycled in your bin. This message is hard for many environmentalists to hear, but it cuts costs for recyclers and local governments.

When in doubt, throw it out.

We also believe it’s important to understand that the global waste crisis wasn’t created by consumers who failed to wash mayonnaise jars or separate out plastic bags. The biggest drivers are global. They include capitalistic reliance on consumption, strong international waste trade incentives, a lack of standardized recycling policies and the devaluation of used resources. To make further progress, governments and businesses will have to think more about designing products with disposal and reuse in mindreducing consumption of single-use products and making massive investments in recycling infrastructure.

The Conversation