Using Science-Based Climate Information for Decision Making

Growing cocoa is a valuable industry for smallholder farmers in Samoa, and more generally provides a significant national social and economic benefit. The climate of Samoa is currently suitable for growing cocoa, although there are various climate impacts on the industry, including: periodic flooding that damages farms; tropical cyclones, noting that the main impact is the flooding (so as connected to the first risk) while wind speed has little negative impact; heavy rainfall that damages flowers and subsequent levels of fruiting on the trees, and also causes damaging (‘black pod’) fungal disease outbreaks – annual rainfall and associated humidity is often high enough for the fungal outbreaks to be severe, and heavy rainfall and humidity promotes the spread of fungus between cocoa pods.

Samoa Joins The Fight Against Plastic Pollution

Samoa has become the latest Pacific island country to enforce a ban on the import, manufacture, export, sale and distribution of single-use plastics, including plastic shopping bags, packing bags and straws. […]

The ban came into effect January 30, 2019.

SPREP would like to congratulate the Government and people of Samoa on taking initiative in banning single-use plastic bags and straws. It is a continuing show of Pacific leadership and commitment to addressing the problem of plastic pollution and marine litter.”

––Mr. Kosi Latu, SPREP Director General