ASCE Infrastructure Report Card for America: D+

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Infrastructure Report Card is published every four years. The most recent Infrastructure Report Card was released in 2017. It gave America’s infrastructure a grade of D+.

The report card highlighted the urgent need for infrastructure improvement for aviation, bridges, dams, drinking water, schools, solid waste, transit, and wastewater.

Dams and levees received a D grade. Dams create reservoirs for water supply and protect local communities from floods. They also provide renewable energy. Levees reduce the risk from devastating flooding events. However, nearly 17% of America’s dams are considered high hazard potential; the dams failure would likely cause a loss of life and significant economic losses.

The World Needs Healthy Rivers

A Special Message from International Rivers Executive Director Kate Horner

International Rivers protects rivers and defends the rights of communities that depend on them. International Rivers opposes destructive dams and encourages better ways of meeting people’s needs for water, energy and protection from damaging floods.