Bill Madden and activist360 Proudly Support Climate Live!

Bill Madden and activist360 proudly support Climate Live!
Bill Madden and activist360 proudly support Climate Live!

On April 24, 2021, youth from over 40 countries will gather artists, activists, and scientists for Climate Live to raise awareness of the climate crisis we face on our beautiful planet.

The event aims to:

  • Engage: Enlarge the global movement by engaging with a new audience through music.

  • Educate: Raise awareness of the challenges faced today by people on the frontline of ecological breakdown and scientists’ predictions for the future.

  • Empower: Pressure world leaders (political, economic, and cultural) to take action to combat the climate crisis, with a focus on COP26 in Glasgow on November 1-12, 2021.

Climate Live calls for more ambitious action by world leaders to meet the necessary 1.5°C targets.

The event happening on April 24 is the first of two global youth-led events. The second will take place on October 16, 2021.