Stop and Listen! – to the Dawn Chorus

Dawn Chorus is a Citizen Science and Arts biodiversity project that makes birds heard.

People worldwide are invited to record the morning bird choir on their doorstep and to share it on the Dawn Chorus platform. The recordings are mapped and entered into a scientific database on biodiversity research. You make an important contribution to the protection of species.

Dawn Chorus was inspired by the dramatic silence of human civilization resulting from the Covid-19 Lockdowns.

When people become quiet, nature becomes audible.”

–Dawn Chorus

Bird soundscapes help bio-acoustic research and provide valuable insights into the biodiversity and behavior of birds, climate change, civilization noise, and habitat loss.

Dawn Chorus is an initiative of Biotopia Natural History Museum Bavaria
and Nantesbuch Art and Nature Foundation.

Project management:
Dr. Auguste of Bavaria – Förderkreis Biotopia, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology
Prof. Dr. Michael John Gorman – Biotopia Natural History Museum Bavaria
Dr. Konstantin Reetz – Nantesbuch Art and Nature Foundation
Anke Michaelis – Nantesbuch Art and Nature Foundation

Concept and realization: Thomas Dashuber
Editor: Anke Michaelis

New Study Reveals Massive Decline in North American Bird Population

In 2018, people brought a record number of injured wild birds, more than 6,000, to New Jersey’s Raptor Trust for treatment. The organization said there are so many of these challenges in navigating the world that these birds now have to deal with because of their proximity to humans. The journal Science looked at almost five decades of data, discovering that one in four birds in North America, around 3 billion in total, have been lost since 1970. CGTN’s Nick Harper reports on what experts want to do about it.