Rethinking AI’s Energy Consumption: New Report

Photo of night lights from space by NASA on Unsplash
Photo of night lights from space by NASA on Unsplash.

We read the new report by the Center for Data Innovation entitled Rethinking Concerns About AI’s Energy Use and share our key takeaways below. The Center for Data Innovation is a leading think tank studying the intersection of data, technology, and public policy.

Revisiting the Energy Consumption Myths of Digital Progress

The concerns surrounding the energy consumption of digital technologies are not a recent phenomenon. Historically, predictions have often overstated the environmental impact of technological advancements. For example, during the late 1990s, it was inaccurately predicted that the digital economy would consume half of the electric grid’s capacity. These estimates have consistently been proven wrong, as evidenced by the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) current estimation that data centers and data transmission networks each account for only about 1–1.5% of global electricity use.

Similarly, the energy consumption attributed to streaming services like Netflix has been grossly overestimated. Initial claims equated watching 30 minutes of Netflix to driving almost 4 miles, a figure later corrected to resemble the energy used for driving between 10 and 100 yards. Such errors highlight the importance of accurate data and assumptions in forming energy policies.

AI’s Energy Use

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) gains momentum, it faces scrutiny similar to past technologies. Critics fear that AI’s energy consumption, especially for training large deep learning models, could have severe environmental repercussions. However, early claims about AI’s energy use have often been exaggerated. To address these concerns effectively, the report advocates for several policy measures:

  1. Developing Energy Transparency Standards: Establish clear guidelines for AI model energy consumption to ensure transparency and informed decision-making.
  2. Voluntary Commitments on Energy Transparency: Encourage the AI industry to adopt voluntary measures for disclosing the energy use of foundation models.
  3. Evaluating AI Regulations’ Unintended Consequences: Consider how regulations might inadvertently impact AI’s energy efficiency and innovation.
  4. Leveraging AI for Decarbonization: Utilize AI technologies to enhance the energy efficiency of government operations and promote decarbonization efforts.

With diminishing returns on enhancing model accuracy due to already high-performance levels, the focus of AI models (such as OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Google’s Gemini) is increasingly shifting towards optimization. Developers are now more inclined to refine AI models for efficiency rather than pursue marginal accuracy gains. This pivot reflects a maturing industry where optimization takes precedence, aiming for sustainable advancement without the unsustainable expansion of model sizes.

Further, the report also points out that AI offers significant potential to mitigate climate change and support clean energy by optimizing the integration of renewable sources into the grid and enhancing the efficiency of the electric grid through predictive maintenance, grid management, and dynamic pricing across transportation, agriculture, and energy sectors. This suggests a future where AI improvements are nuanced, focusing on energy efficiency and specialized performance enhancements.

Towards a Sustainable AI Future

The path to a sustainable AI future involves demystifying the technology’s actual energy footprint, addressing misconceptions, and implementing policies that promote transparency and efficiency. By learning from past misestimations and focusing on accurate data, we can ensure that AI contributes positively to our environmental goals, debunking myths and fostering innovation that aligns with sustainability.

Predicting and Preventing Peatland Fires: Aalto University Develops Groundbreaking Neural Network Model ‘FireCNN’

Military might. Army officers try to extinguish fires in peat land areas, outside Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan. Photo by Aulia Erlangga/CIFOR.
Military might. Army officers try to extinguish fires in peat land areas, outside Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan. Photo by Aulia Erlangga/CIFOR.

Aalto University researchers have developed a neural network model that can predict peatland fires in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The model performs consistently well, with ranges about the medium values of 95% for accuracy, and 78% for precision.

FireCNN, First-Ever Model Capable of Predicting Future Fire Locations

The researchers developed ‘FireCNN’, the first-ever model that can accurately predict the locations of future fires. FireCNN uses a type of machine learning algorithm called CNN (convolutional neural network) to analyze various factors that can predict fire occurrences (e.g., weather conditions, land use) before the start of fire season. The model allows researchers to test how different land management and restoration strategies, such as blocking canals, reforestation, and converting land to plantations, might impact the number of fires in the future without any bias. Researchers also simulated the effects of ongoing deforestation, converting swamp forests into degraded scrublands and plantations, to understand its potential impact on future fires.

The Focus of the Research

Indonesian peatlands face recurrent fires due to human-induced degradation, increasing recurrent fires since the late 1990s. These fires release CO2, equivalent to 30% of global fossil fuel emissions in 2020, and negatively impact the environment, economy, public health, agriculture, and social structure. In 2015, this resulted in a loss of over $16 billion to the Indonesian economy. Despite prohibitions, most ignitions are anthropogenic, started for agricultural expansion.

The investigation focused on the ex-Mega Rice Project (EMRP) area in central Kalimantan, Borneo, which has the highest density of peatland fires in Southeast Asia, recurring since 1997 due to logging, oil palm plantation development, and a failed rice cultivation scheme. This scheme inadvertently transformed swamp forests into degraded peatlands by digging 4000 km of drainage canals and clearing 1 million hectares of swamp forest. The area has distinct dry and wet seasons but a consistent mean monthly temperature of 28°C. Fire season hotspots peak around 11,000 but vary significantly yearly.

Study area map. Land cover map showing the whole study area (edge of map) circa 2015 as well as the ex-Mega Rice Project (EMRP) area (black outline). Inset map of Borneo provided by OpenStreetMap.
Study area map. Land cover map showing the whole study area (edge of map) circa 2015 as well as the ex-Mega Rice Project (EMRP) area (black outline). Inset map of Borneo provided by OpenStreetMap. Horton, A.J., Lehtinen, J. & Kummu, M. Targeted land management strategies could halve peatland fire occurrences in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Commun Earth Environ 3, 204 (2022).

Researchers found that converting degraded swamp shrubland to swamp forest or plantations could reduce fire occurrences by 40-55%. Blocking most canals could reduce fire occurrences by 70%. Effective strategies can reduce carbon emissions and enable sustainable ecosystem management.

Reducing peatland fires is essential for global carbon emission reduction, economic productivity, biodiversity safeguarding, and protecting vulnerable communities. However, efforts in Central Kalimantan have been unsuccessful due to corruption, poor governance, and lack of accountability. Previous studies lacked clear links between restoration efforts and future fire reductions.

Hope for the Development of an Early-Warning System

The findings demonstrate the potential impacts of future peatland restoration efforts, providing much-needed evidence for the potential success of these strategies, which may benefit similar projects currently underway. Postdoctoral researcher Alexander Horton noted that while the methodology could apply to other contexts, the model would need retraining on new data. Researchers hope to improve the model’s performance to serve as an early-warning system.

We tried to quantify how the different strategies would work. It’s more about informing policy-makers than providing direct solutions.

—Professor Matti Kummu, study team’s leader