Scientist Jean Lemire leads a crew aboard the oceanographic schooner Sedna IV on a 1,000-day journey for the planet. The journey takes the team across Earth. The goal of the crew — made up of mariners, scientists, and filmmakers — is to reveal the planet’s beauty and understand how Earth’s ecosystems work.
What Some of the 100 London Hunger Strikers Had To Say
The 100 London hunger strikers of Extinction Rebellion called for a change in business as usual, for any new Government to make the Climate & Ecological Emergency its highest and most fundamental responsibility. The strikers have three demands:
- tell the truth with all organizations the government interacts with
- take rapid action to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2025
- create and be lead by the Citizens Assembly
“This is a way of just peacefully sitting here, informing the public without disrupting them.”
–Jane explained cheerfully while on day 7 of her hunger strike.
Indonesian Students Create Flood Prevention App
Destiana Choirun Nisak leveraged her local Google Developer Student Clubs community to build a flood prevention app, L-Flood.
The Bojonegoro Village in Indonesia floods frequently. As a native to the village, Destiana knows the floods well. While enrolled at PENS University, Destiana met ‘Dana’ Surahutomo Aziz Pradana.
Together Destiana and Dana created a solution that alerts those in the surrounding areas when the river will flood. The app enables local authorities to send alerts and find the closest safe point based on their location.