Trump Weakens the National Environmental Policy Act

President Trump recently signed an executive order weakening the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The order lifts 50-year-old environmental review of major projects and allows fast-tracking construction projects in a bid to boost the economy. In the long-term, this is harmful to the environment, climate change, and will have a disproportionately harmful effect on black, Latino, and Native American communities.

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Preventing Future Pandemics Requires Sweeping U.S. Action on Wildlife Trade

Conservation groups released a sweeping action plan today for the United States to dramatically crack down on wildlife trade, which is the most probable cause of the global coronavirus pandemic. Among other proposals, the action plan recommends that the United States end live wildlife imports, curtail all other wildlife trade until stricter regulations are adopted, and take a global leadership role in controlling wildlife trade to stop future pandemics.

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