Hindi Film On Plastic Pollution, Causes Of Climate Change And Global warming (Go Green)

A short story on plastic pollution that is now becoming a global issue and an agenda to fight against climate change on how we are killing our habitat and the habitat of animals, insects, reptiles and aquatic biodiversities that exist since thousands of years now destroyed by greedy humans to run there own co-operate firms and business to scale the mass extinction without even worry about the causes of climate change on other living organisms.

Do you think using a plastic bag or products made from it is useful? Of course not right but we still have enough time to reverse the process and aware people on a large scale.

This short Hindi film from us will help you inspire on stop using a single piece of plastic and live a lifestyle completely natural, chemical-free by adopting greener safer products both for us and for others who share this beautiful planet with us.

Fighting Plastic Pollution: The Inspiring Story of Two Indonesian Sisters

Sisters Melati Wijsen, an 18-year-old from Bali who five years ago launched an NGO called “Bye Bye Plastic Bags” with her younger sister Isabel, with the aim of dramatically reducing the number of single-use bags, were so inspired at school by what has been possible throughout history that they wanted to make a difference themselves. This year, they reached their initial aim to have bags banned on their own island of Bali, and now want to take their movement forward to be a real youth movement for the future.

Plastic Pollution: Ocean Cleanup System Succeeds in its Mission

There’s been a breakthrough in the battle against plastic pollution in the world’s oceans. A company based in the Netherlands called Ocean Clean Up has announced the successful trial of a new device designed to collect huge amounts of plastic by remote control. It’s been trialed in the Great Pacific Garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean, an enormous body of plastic waste that drifts on natural currents between Hawaii and the West Coast of the US.