The Fate of Food: What We’ll Eat in a Bigger, Hotter World

With crop production increasingly threatened by unpredictable weather and a world population expected to grow 30 percent by midcentury, how are we going to feed everyone? The race to reinvent the global food system is on, and solutions you’ve probably never heard of are already in play. One company is tackling the problems of industrial agriculture by growing cell-based meat in a lab, eliminating both the need for animal slaughter and the grains we grow to feed them. Imagine a world where industrial animal farming and its harmful greenhouse gases no longer exist, where beef, poultry, and fish are consumed without interfering with the food chain. Hear from that company’s CEO, as well as a journalist who traveled around the world to meet other pioneers of the future of food.

Climate Change and Why We Should Panic

British Academy Film Award and Academy Award nominee, Keira Knightley, OBE, has come out in support of Extinction Rebellion.

Keira has lent her voice to defend the climate and tell the truth in this new, short film that summarizes the crisis from how we got here, and what we must do now.

The animation shows why government must enter crisis mode and choose a different path than the one we are on because it will lead us to extinction.

Keira joins Emma Thompson, Stephen Fry, William Dafoe, Javier Bardem, Paloma Faith, Radiohead and all other people who know that we are facing an unprecedented global emergency.