Diving Paradise Palau: Communities in Peril

“Climate change has affected this country in ways that we really didn’t foresee.” Palau in the Pacific filled with natural wonders, but in recent years, climate change is starting to take a toll on the country and its people. Sea levels, one of its biggest threats, are expected to rise 42cm to 195cm by the year 2100. CNA visited the small island nation to see how the residents are coping.

Solving the Mystery of Missing Ocean Plastic

Lead Researcher and Oceanographer, Laurent Lebreton, discusses the mystery of missing ocean plastic and our new explanation for its whereabouts.

There is a vast difference between the several hundreds of thousands of tons of floating plastic in the ocean and the millions of tons entering annually. By creating models for the path of ocean plastic, it was observed that most river emissions are likely being filtered by coastlines and beaches, with a small fraction going offshore. This small fraction turns out to be relatively old and likely not degrading very quickly – thus, showing persistence. This new understanding highlights the importance of both source reduction and cleanup of legacy ocean plastic.