Keystone Pipeline Spills Close To 400,000 Gallons Of Oil On North Dakota

The Keystone Pipeline (not to be confused with the pending Keystone XL Pipeline) has spilled close to 400,000 gallons of oil on North Dakota soil this week. The company that runs the pipeline, Transcanada, has yet to determine the cause of the spill, but this shows how dangerous these pipelines can be. This isn’t the first Keystone spill, and it certainly won’t be the last. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

A Radical Plan to End Plastic Waste

Plastic is an incredible substance for the economy – and the worst substance possible for the environment, says entrepreneur Andrew Forrest. In a conversation meant to spark debate, Forrest and head of TED Chris Anderson discuss an ambitious plan to get the world’s biggest companies to fund an environmental revolution – and transition industry towards getting all of its plastic from recycled materials, not from fossil fuels.