How Climate Change Could Make Our Food Less Nutritious

Rising carbon levels in the atmosphere can make plants grow faster, but there’s another hidden consequence: they rob plants of the nutrients and vitamins we need to survive. In a talk about global food security, epidemiologist Kristie Ebi explores the potentially massive health consequences of this growing nutrition crisis — and explores the steps we can take to ensure all people have access to safe, healthy food.

How Climate Change is Shaping Business in Iceland

The video is about the Finnafjord in the northeast of Iceland because it represents a broader global challenge. While Iceland as a whole is experiencing the negative effects of climate change stronger than many other nations, this specific region actually aims to profit from the changing climate. From 2021 onwards, the construction of a large container port will begin, which is supposed to turn Iceland into a new hub for international merchant shipping.

Climate Change Impacts Life Under the Sea

The composition of plankton in the oceans is changing as a result of global warming. Living marine organisms generally move towards the poles to remain under the same temperature conditions. And when fish, for example, leave the Equator the fish fauna erodes in warmer sea areas.

Professor Thomas Kiørboe, Centre for Ocean Life at DTU, studies marine ecosystems, their functions and ability to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. He works on clarifying the basic processes determining carbon cycling in the oceans, as it has a decisive impact on our climate.